Holiday Photo Challenge: Help Us Make 2013 the Year of the Majority!

With Thanksgiving behind us, Hanukkah beginning this weekend, and Christmas and New Years on the way, the holidays are on our minds! Plans for family get-togethers, office parties, and adoption events are filling our calendars.

It got us thinking that with all of this socializing on the horizon: it’s time to launch a holiday photo challenge!

We want you to help us DOUBLE the number of photos in our Majority Project between now and January 1st.

That means we need 325 photos in less than four weeks!

Can you help us reach our goal?  The bigger our photo collection, the bigger the impact it will have on the folks who need a perspective shift in 2013. Help us change the minds of policy makers, in animal shelters and in public office, by doubling the Majority Project photo collection!

Here’s how to turn this holiday season into a Majority Project Party:

1. Print out a pile of “I am the Majority” signs and take them to an upcoming event or holiday hot spot:

  • adoption event
  • new year party
  • local fundraiser
  • family dinner
  • shelter lobby
  • office holiday party
  • local pet store

2. Gather up all the folks who share their lives with “pit bull” dogs.  Give each person a blank “I am a ____” sign to fill out.

Ask them to fill in the blank with a  word that describes their valued role in your community or in your family. For example: I am a Mother, Student, Bus Driver, Business Owner, Tax Payer, Husband, Volunteer, Teacher, Voter, Coach, Homeowner, Grandma, Mentor, etc.


3. Take a photo of them with their “pit bull” dog and a sign. If their dogs aren’t present, just take a photo of your fabulous neighbors, friends, and family with their signs.

If you’re not heading to any events this month, you can still send us your photos! May we suggest hosting an online photo party? Encourage friends and family to snap a photo and join Majority Project with you!

4. Finally, collect as all the photos you took and email them to us at: by midnight on January 1st 2013

The person or rescue group who sends us the most* photos between now and January 1st will win a prize pack from AFF that includes t-shirts, posters, and copies of: I’m a Good Dog (signed by Ken Foster), Melissa McDaniel’s Pit Bull Photo book and The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant!

Remember that this photo collection is available for any organization or individual to use, so it benefits all of us to expand the album. We want this tool to make a difference in the work you’re doing. With your help we can turn 2013 into the Year of the Majority!

*To qualify, each photo must include a different person. In other words, sending us 200 photos of you and your dog doesn’t count (even if your dog is super cute).

Download the sign here!

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