AFF Presents

Sheltering Workshops

2024 DATES:

September 16th-September 20th

Animal Farm Foundation is hosting educational workshops in animal welfare for shelter employees and volunteers throughout the country. We'll take a look at a range of topics related to best practices in animal sheltering. From classroom type lectures to hands-on training, you'll get a comprehensive look into how to make your own shelter the best it can be for your animals and community.

Our workshops are offered at no-cost, however participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements and meals. On-site housing will be provided on our 400-acre estate, as well as a canine roommate to cuddle with at night!

Want to learn about new ideas in animal sheltering and feel empowered to bring change back to your own community? 


Sheltering 101

Some of the topics we'll cover:

Some of the topics we'll cover:

Got Questions?

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