A Special Thanks As We Reflect on 2020

This year has been difficult for everyone and insurmountable to others. As an organization, we have long since understood that companion animal welfare without human welfare means nothing. So, as a response to the impact of the pandemic, we’ve augmented and expanded our work to reflect the needs, not just of dogs, but of their people (and a few other animals, too)

And we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you.​

Although we are a national organization, we believe in supporting our local community. To that end, we’ve donated thousands of dollars worth of pet food and funds to our local food pantries to keep people and their pets fed.

“Life at the food pantry has stabilized at the new normal. We are serving twice as many families compared to just 6 months ago! The pet food is much appreciated by our clients.  You all are providing a valuable service to our clients!”
Denis Freeman
Food for Life Pantry 

Our resolve to accept nothing less than completely breed neutral animal ordinances is even stronger than ever this year. That is due, in part, to you. Whether you’ve shared our messaging on social media, advocated in your own community, or donated, you have helped strengthen our efforts to end breed-specific legislation.

At a time when so many are facing housing insecurity, the issue of breed-specific laws and policies threatens to separate even more pets from their people and displace families from their homes.

Currently, we are working to end BSL in Council Bluffs, Iowa. But, we won’t stop there. We’re going to end BSL everywhere.

We’ve long since had other animals besides dogs on our farm in the Hudson Valley of New York. This year, we’ve taken on even more sanctuary cows and horses.

You’ve loved their stories on Facebook and Instagram. You’ve helped us name the newest cows and made generous donations to their care.

Animal Farm Foundation is entirely funded by donations. Your support keeps us going. And so, again, thank you.

“We really look forward to seeing the dogs and learning where they are from, and watching their tricks. We are in lockdown so this is a welcome activity! Many thanks to all the volunteers who share their time and animals with us!”
Nancy Sherman
Friendship Villages

We’ve talked frequently about our Pets Together program and the importance it plays in reducing social isolation and loneliness, two things that were a public health crisis even before the pandemic. Now, the situation for those most at risk is even more dire.

AFF’s staff is small and this program grew exponentially from the start. We could not have sustained it without the volunteers who show up every day with their pets to make sure that those in longterm care facilities and those who work at the front lines of the pandemic know that they are cared about and appreciated.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who help make this program what it is. And a big thanks to all of the facilities who sign up and trust us to make the days of your residents a little brighter.

Challenges may continue next year, but we’ll still be here for all dogs and their people.

We believe the best thanks that we can give our supporters is to continue our work. We promise you that in 2021, we’ll do even more to end breed-specific legislation and continue to fight discriminatory housing policies that separate families.

We’ll continue to ensure that all dogs are seen as individuals, regardless of their label. And, as an organization, we will continue to evolve to meet the needs of those affected by discrimination.

Thank you again to all of those who have donated, shared our message, or volunteered to help us work toward achieving our mission.

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