Fighting BSL: How One Person Can Make a Difference

If you’ve ever thought that one person can’t make a difference, we encourage you to read this interview with Gerald “Jerry” Sager!  A lawyer originally from South Dakota, Jerry was a major force behind the 2014 passing of South Dakota’s SB 75 which bans breed specific legislation on the state level. South Dakota joins 17 […]

How to Be the Smartest Person In the Room

We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: if you want to be an effective advocate for “pit bull” dogs, be the smartest person in the room! At one time or another, all of us who are speaking on behalf of the dogs have found ourselves tongue-tied or wishing we’d said something more eloquent. Who […]

Recent Trends in Breed Specific Legislation: Logic Trumps Hysteria

Ever wonder if the advocates who are working hard to stop Breed Specific Legislation are making an impact? The answer is YES they are! YOU are making a difference. Here’s the proof: Since January 2012, Breed Specific Legislation is consistently being repealed or rejected more than it is being passed or considered. That’s something to […]

There Is No Us vs. Them, We All Want Safe Communities

In February of 2013, House Bill 5287 and Senate Bill 178, were introduced in Rhode Island. The companion bills called for state-wide regulation of the ownership of “pit bull” dogs and would have required, among other things, mandatory insurance, confinement, muzzling, and banned from walked within 100 feet of a school, and other severe restrictions. […]