Unique and Uniform: The #1 Myth that Fuels Canine Discrimination

Whenever breed restrictions or bans are proposed, those arguing for discriminatory policies rely on this false idea: that “pit bull” dogs are uniquely different from all other dogs and that they are uniform in their behavior. In other words, they mistakenly believe that “pit bull” dogs are specially and consistently different from all other dogs, but are all similar to […]

“Too Many Pit Bulls”: A Case of Psychic Numbing

We have too many pit bulls. All we have are pit bulls. We have a pit bull problem. Nobody wants to adopt our pit bulls. Across the country, in interviews with the local news, these sound bites are repeated over and over. Usually intended to be a call for help, a positive plug for the […]

For the Dogs It’s All Pain, No Gain

Recently we wrote a blog about “pit bull” dog websites and the damage that well-intentioned advocates cause when they post outdated information about the dogs. A prime example of this is the perpetuation of the old myth that “pit bull” dogs have a higher tolerance for pain than other dogs. One advocacy website writes, “Sometimes […]

Naming Shelter Dogs: The Framing Effect

Xena, Brutus, Trigger, Monster, Ruger, Tank, Harley, Chopper, Flex, Maximus, Whiskey, Storm, Tyson, Gunner, Bullet, Boss… Before you name your shelter dogs*, consider this: You can influence your adopters perceptions of “pit bull” dogs, starting with the names that you give them. That’s because their names frame them. It’s the context for how adopters will interpret the dogs in front of them. What’s the deal with framing? Framing is the way that […]

Progressive Animal Sheltering: Dogs are Individuals First

Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. – Khalil Gibran As today’s animal sheltering professionals increasingly focus on providing dogs with quality care and getting to know them as individuals – through standardized evaluations, volunteer notes and foster programs, play groups, enrichment, and more – it’s time to […]

“Pit Bull” Dog Advocates: Is the Info You Share Hurting or Helping?

What happens when animal advocates promote “pit bull” dogs for adoption and advocate for their fair treatment while ALSO communicating outdated, fear-inducing information about the very same dogs? Answer: You wind up hurting the dogs you’re supposed to be helping. We’re betting the public are left scratching their heads when organizations and/or individuals that are […]

Victims of Cruelty are Individuals Too

Every dog is an individual, regardless of their past, and all dogs deserve to be evaluated, free of biases and assumptions based on their looks, breed, or how they were previously treated. Dogs rescued from dog fighting are victims of cruelty, but they are still individuals first and they deserve fair treatment. The National Animal Control Association, […]

Changing the Conversation: A Message for Advocates

If you work or volunteer with dogs, you probably know by now that the overwhelming majority of “pit bull” dog owners are regular, everyday folks. But are we, the experts in the animal welfare field, communicating this to the public? Or are we reinforcing the very same stereotypes and fears that we’re working to change? Dog fighting, thugs, gang […]